Welcome to my portfolio. I invite you to explore my site to get a better understanding of my specialties, technique, and professional experience. I am a game designer who is proficient in the level design along with modeling.
Vaporwave City
Vaporwave City is a level I am currently designing. My goal is to build a world based on the vaporwave art style. I want the player to feel that they have walked into a vaporwave picture.
The Backrooms
The Backrooms is a game I completed for my capstone for the University of Baltimore. I created the main menu, cutscenes, the levels Grace & Mercy and The Graveyard. Along with creating additional assets for the game.
The Grace & Mercy level was the first level I made for the Backrooms. I designed all assets in the game except the mannequins and keys. I took inspiration from the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who for the enemy's behavior. I had the coders design the enemies to only approach the player when they are out of sight. I also added fog to add tension to the game and to confuse the player.
The Graveyard is the second to last level for the game. This level has a similar objective to collect 3 keys within the area, while being pursued by an enemy. I chose to give this level more visual cues due to its minimal light as opposed to Grace & Mercy. I feel the stand out in this level is the ghost who floats around the map. This was designed by the second artist on the team. The ghost’s goal was not to kill the player but scare them and make them lose focus of what they are doing.